First Impressions…

AFTER   BEFORE As Spring approaches let Petro Design/Build getcreative and design a custom “First Impression” for you… The new entry seen below practically beckons you to enter.  The doorway is highlighted by beautiful Upright Hornbeams, while...

Proper Insulation Can Save your Plants!

This past snow was exciting, beautiful, and for some, provided much needed time indoors.  For others, the snow and subsequent colder temperatures cost much more than they anticipated. Attic spaces that are not properly insulated can allow heat to escape.  Melting of...

Petro lends a helping hand…

For the last few years Petro has worked closely with the staff at Pecometh Camp & Retreat Ministries.  Petro donates their time and design eye for the development of the group’s most recent undertaking: the new Adult Retreat Center! The volunteer designers at...

Lessons from Hurricane Lee – continued ‘Surface Drainage’

I recently saw a ‘grab’ line in an advertisement for a drainage company that stated “The most common solution to drainage is a system of French drains”.  No! This is wrong.   A French drain in the wrong location can be a costly mistake. Here are a few basic rules for...