OK, it’s going to melt….we hope. This is when the saturation starts along the exterior walls of the foundation. If the gutters have pulled away from the house it’s only going to get worse. I don’t know about you, but my mold allergies keep me vigilant year-round for water seapage. It’s easier to prevent than fix. I’ve been in many homes where the residents are living with and breathing black mold everyday!! They just got used to it and yet they only buy organic foods!!! It’s like my painter telling me his health concerns about lead-based paints and how he takes a meter with him to check the levels before sanding; (which is a important and necessary), but meanwhile, he is puffing on a cigarette!!!
Fortunately, my body tells me when mold is around. I can feel it immediately.
My mother-in-law died 5 years ago from pulmonary fibrosis. When she was sick the doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her. She remembered that in the house she used to play in across the street as a child, every member of that family died from pulmonary fibrosis. She mentioned this to her doctor who tested her and confirmed that she did, indeed, have the disease. She and her brother remembered that the house smelled moldy.
Mold spores, when breathed in, remain in your lungs. Good health and a good dose of anioxidants will prevent illness. As we age, our defenses may decrease for a variety of reasons (stress, pesticides in foods, hormone depletion…to name a very few) This is when the spores can attack.
So, check your gutters, crawl spaces and foundations. If you suspect mold, don’t disturb it yourself. Call a professional immediately.