by admin | Dec 3, 2012 | Creavtive Gardening, Drainage, Landscape Design, Screening, Storm Water Management, Structure, Sustainable Practices
When it comes to doing something myself; either for the adventure of it, as means to create a healthier product or just save some money, I’m interested. Sometimes my efforts and time prove to be worth it in the short and long term. Other times, things have not gone as...
by admin | Sep 25, 2012 | Creavtive Gardening, Gardening, Landscape Design, Plants
The weather has cooled, after a record hot summer, and what a perfect time to get your yard back in shape. It’s always the best time to plant (warm soils with cool air) and the nurseries are desperate to reduce their inventory before winter sets in. The sales are...
by admin | Jul 15, 2012 | Creavtive Gardening, Drainage, Gardening
It is truly amazing every single year how we continue to pile on the mulch. I’ve tried to analyze the mentality of this manic practice (specific evidently to the Washington area) like I’ve tried to get my mind around why someone would throw a piece of trash out a car...
by admin | Jul 28, 2010 | Creavtive Gardening, Edible Landscaping, Screening
Oftentimes the best neighbors are the ones that you get to see when you want to see them and who get to see you when you want them to see you. Not that we all want to be recluse but, after a long day at work, it would be nice to relax on your deck or patio...
by admin | Jun 9, 2010 | Creavtive Gardening, Gardening, Sustainable Practices
What better way to ensure that you have fresh, organic eggs than to have your own hen house? Today’s site development plans are no longer limited to vegetable and herb gardens, berry cages and compost bins; they include ‘designs’ for a family run hen-house....
by admin | Apr 21, 2010 | Creavtive Gardening, EVENTS, Gardening, Sustainable Practices
Happy Earth Day from Petro Design Build Inc. Branch out and celebrate Earth Day this Thursday! April 22, 2010 marks the 40th anniversary. Events, lectures, etc. will be taking place through the weekend in celebration. We’ve listed a few below around the metro...